Sunday 22 November 2015

Fitness TV Shows

This evening I'm really looking forward to Iron Mind by Bressie on RTE2 at 9:30. In this show Bressie is gets 4 ordinary people to train and complete a half Ironman. The idea is to prove the link between positive physical health and positive mental health (something I think that most regular, and irregular runners would testify to).

This got me thinking about the TV shows that we have on terrestial TV these days, and in general I feel pretty positive about the influence that they are having on the country. These shows can, and are, changing the culture of the country to a more fitness focused one:

  • Operation Transformation - I've watched every season of this, I think it's 7 seasons now, and I believe this has had the most profound influence on the country. The massive crowds coming out in local towns to complete runs during dark winter nights is incredible.
  • Ireland's Fittest Family - Perhaps this doesn't 'influence the nation' as strongly, but it makes for great TV, and regularly sets a good example for a variety of fitness across different sports and disciplines
  • Iron Mind - as I said, eagerly awaiting this one tonight, it could have a very strong influence.

The one show I'd like to see now is a reality TV show focusing on first time marathon runners. I'm not an expert on creating TV shows (obviously) but I'm sure there's an interestng twist that could be put around this. The marathon is on the bucket list for an awful lot of people (not just runners). And it would be a great way to prove that it's an achievable feat for almost anybody (who is willing).

What do you say RTE......let's take it a step further.


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